niedziela, 14 września 2014

Autobusy i tramwaje

Do you know what does 'kanar' mean? It is a person who checks if we have a valid ticket in the tram/bus or not. 'Kanar' can wear an uniform, but most of the time, he/she wears casual clothes.


Kanar gets on when your annual ticket expired yesterday;)

If you are new in Poland and if you want to check how to get from one place to another one (inside the city), those links might be usuful:

Gdańsk, Gdynia:

9 new words for you:

autobus- a bus

autobus nocny- a night bus

autobus pospieszny- a fast bus (it doesn't stop at every bus stop, that's why it arrives to destination a bit quicker than other buses)

tramwaj- a tram

przystanek- a stop

przesiąść się (perfective)- to change one bus for another one

jechać „na gapę”(jechać bez biletu)- to travel without ticket

wysiąść (perfective)- to get off

wsiąść (perfective)- to get on/ to get in

Do you understand this dialogue?

A: Przepraszam pana, czy ten autobus jedzie na dworzec pkp?
Excuse me Sir, does this bus go to the train station?
A:Na którym przystanku mam wysiąść? 
Which stop I should get off?
B:Na czwartym.
(On) 4th.
A:Dziękuję bardzo.
Thank you very much.

2 komentarze:

  1. Hi. Can you also add audio to the dialogues and new vocabulary? It would be really useful for new learners as sometimes the pronunciation is different from the way the words are written.

    1. Hi! yes, thats my idea, but first I have to learn how to do it! Any tips?:)
