poniedziałek, 5 czerwca 2017

Plural of nouns and adjectives

First of all, you should know that all plural nouns – we share into two groups in Polish:
Group 1: a group of males (only men/ boys, don’t mix it with masculine nouns) or a group where at least one male in present, e.g. students, doctors, Polish people.

But for example: sok (juice) although is a masculine word- it is not a man, so it does not belong to this group)!

Group 2: everything else: women, animals, objects, food etc.
Yes, I know girls, it is a discrimination!:D

Here I will teach you how to make a plural for the second group. To make plural for the first group is a bit more complicated and we will worry about it later.:)

In English, we usually add '–s' to form a plural, in Polish we have 4 possible endings:
1) – a, when the words is neutral (ends with –o, -e, -um):
piwo- piwa (a beer- beers)
okno –okna (a window- windows)
centrum- centra (a center- centers)

2) – i, when the last consonant of the word is –k or –g:
sok- soki (juice- juices)
mąka- mąki (flour- flours) 

3) –e, after almost all these "funny":) Polish letters which you can NOT find in English language: ś (also si), ć (also ci), ń (also ni), ź (also zi), ż, sz, cz, rz + c,l,j
noc- noce (a night- nights)
koń- konie (a hourse- hourses)

4) – y (for all other words)

All adjectives which describe the group 2 (women, animals, objects, food etc.) end with –e:
ładne dziewczyny –pretty girls
wysokie budynki- high buildings

More examples for all 4 endings:

rachunek - rachunki
kawa- kawy
wino- wina
masło- masła
chleb- chleby
brzoskwinia- brzoskwinie

Now, it is your turn:
marchewka (a carrot)- ..............................
jabłko (an apple)- .............................
dziewczyna (a girl)-.............................
książka ( a book)- .............................
komputer (a computer)-.............................
płaszcz ( a coat)- .............................
but (a shoe)- .............................
krzesło (a chair)-.............................
sok pomarańczowy (an orange juice)- ...................................
piękna kobieta (beautiful woman)- .....................................
dobra restauracja (good restaurants)- .......................................

Send me your answers in the comments.:)